IIQ Learning Modules
Introduction to Early Learning and Care

The following module has been developed to support new and supply educator’s with their role in early learning and care.  It is designed to make your first few days as smooth as possible. This module will give you a brief overview of the different types of early learning settings; what a typical day looks like for children and educators; how to prepare for your first day, terms of employment, etc.

Introduction to Early Learning Programs: New & Supply Staff

New and Non-ECE Learning Modules

The following modules have been developed to support the learning of staff who work in early learning settings who do not have their Early Childhood Education diploma.

Currently, we have 4 modules available for self-directed learning. These are on the provincial pedagogy, How Does Learning Happen?, Healthy Relationships, Child-Led Approaches to Learning and Child Development.

These modules have been created using videos, articles and reflective questions.  Please take the time to complete the module evaluation found on the survey monkey link listed on the final slide of each presentation.

We encourage you to share this feedback with your supervisor as part of reflective learning.

Completing these surveys helps IIQ to improve learning opportunities for you in the future.  Your feedback is anonymous.

Finally, if you have questions email Beckie at

IIQ Learning Modules Downloads

How Does Learning Happen? Updated July 2021

Responsive, Caring Relationships Updated July 2022

Child Led Approaches to Learning Updated August 2022

Child Development- Updated July 2021