Client and Family Satisfaction
Clients and families play an essential role in the support and care that Five Counties Children’s Centre provides every day. That’s why getting regular feedback is important. This helps ensure Five Counties is delivering the best care and support for children/youth and their families.
As part of our commitment to quality care, the Centre conducts regular surveys with families asking for feedback on our services and support for them.
In Spring 2024, the Centre carried out a Client and Family Experience Survey (the previous survey was done in 2022). Five Counties appreciates the dozens of parents, caregivers and supporters who took the time to give their input. The survey is valuable in providing a snapshot in time of how Five Counties is doing – and where we can improve.
Key Findings in 2024 Survey
- Just over 60% of survey respondents said they received services in Peterborough. This is slightly higher than the actual number of clients and families (50%) the Centre support sees in Peterborough (one-quarter of our clients are in Northumberland, and the other one-quarter are in City of Kawartha Lakes/Haliburton County).
- Just over 86% of survey respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they would recommend Five Counties to a friend or colleague.
- 90% of families who completed the survey agreed or strongly agreed they were treated as an equal partner in their child’s care. A similar percentage agreed or strongly agreed that they could give input into their child’s treatment/care plan.
- A smaller percentage – 84% — of respondents agreed/strongly agreed that Five Counties helped them achieve the goals they had for their child’s treatment.
Among comments included in the survey:
- Wait times were the biggest concern cited by respondents and something upon which they believed Five Counties could improve (e.g. “accessing services is a challenge”)
- A desire to see more flexible appointment times from Five Counties, including more after-school appointments) and longer blocks of treatment.
- A few suggestions that Five Counties could do better communicating with families and listening to parents/caregivers (e.g. “Listen to parent’s input. They know their child best.”)
- When asked about one thing that Five Counties did well, survey respondents noted the amazing/skilled staff and clinicians and the friendly/inviting/welcoming atmosphere (see word cloud visual at right that illustrates what was said).
Next Steps
- Five Counties has reviewed the survey results and will implement measures to address any concerns that were raised.
- As an organization, Five Counties will continue to provide opportunities for client and parent/caregiver feedback. This includes listening to families during treatment sessions, through the work of our Client and Family Experience Lead, and in future input-gathering opportunities (e.g. family focus groups, surveys).