Library Highlights

“You’ll never look at child development the same way again. This book by Jean Clinton lays out the early years’ journey of attachment, self-regulation, connection, resilience and well being, and does so with scientific explanations measured out in understandable doses. The book is full of deeply researched wisdom, offered in a conversational style. It’s like having coffee and a chat with Jean as you sit at her kitchen table.” From Tall Pine Press

“What are schemas and why do they matter? Again! Again! provides an introduction to understanding and supporting schemas and schema play in young children. Practitioners will find an overview of schemas with guidance on where they fit within the EYFS. There are examples of schemas, with illustrations and descriptions of common behaviour patterns, and these are set within the general context of child development. The intention is to help early years practitioners identify schemas and to understand both how important they are and the vital role they play in the growing child’s learning.” From Amazon
Written by Clare Beswick, Stella Louis, Sally Featherstone
“Self-regulation can dramatically improve a child’s mood, attention, and concentration. It can help children to feel empathy, and to cultivate the sorts of virtues that most parents know are vital for their child’s long-term wellbeing. Self-regulation brings about profound and lasting transformation that continues throughout life. Dr. Shanker translates decades of his findings from working with children into practical, prescriptive advice for parents, giving them concrete ways to develop their self-regulation skills and teach their children to do the same and engage successfully with life for optimal learning, social, and emotional growth.” From Amazon
Author: Stuart Shanker
“A groundbreaking tool that assesses classrooms in a whole new way! An inspiring environment is essential for helping young children learn. The Rating Observation Scale for Inspiring Environments (ROSIE) is an observation rating scale that challenges teachers to examine classrooms in a totally new way: with an eye for what is aesthetically beautiful and inspiring.” from Amazon
Authors: Jessica DeViney, Sandra Duncan, Lois Rosenberry
“Build collaborative partnerships with families to help the whole family thrive. This book explores the reasons and methods for developing cooperative partnerships, along with tools and strategies to help build the support network for family-centered care. The new edition offers a theoretical background on why it is important to talk with families and how to efficiently and effectively communicate observations and reflections. Overcome common challenges, and create more avenues to include families in your program. ” – from Amazon
Author: Janis Keyser
“In Reality-Based Leadership, Cy Wakeman reveals how to be the kind of leader who changes the way people think about and perceives their circumstances. Cy guides you to deal with the facts, give helpful and clear feedback to employees, and kindly help others focus their effort on their contribution and not the nearby drama. Filled with dynamic examples, innovative tools, and diagnostic tests, this book shows you how to become a Reality-Based Leader. It helps you uncover destructive thought patterns within yourself and others, diffuse drama and lead the person in front of you.” from
Author Cy Wakeman