Five Counties at 50
Help Us Celebrate 50 Years of Service

Gimme 5 visual bannerIn 2025, Five Counties Children’s Centre is celebrating its 50th anniversary of opening our doors to support kids, youth and families in our region. A year-long celebration is being planned and we would love your help!

Your story is our story! That’s why we want to hear any amazing recollections or memories you have. Whether you are a current/former staff member, client, family, volunteer, board member, donor or community supporter, we want to hear from you!

Gimme 5: Share Your StoryWrite down a reflection or two in your own words. Download our easy-to-use Gimme 5: Share Your Story package, or use these questions as a prompt. We want to hear from you!

  • What is your relationship to Five Counties? (client, parent, caregiver, staff, volunteer, supporter) What did/does your involvement at the Centre entail?
  • When did you first get involved with Five Counties? What do you remember about that first encounter?
  • What is the best memory you have associated with Five Counties?
  • What is the biggest impact your relationship with Five Counties has had on you?
  • What does Five Counties mean to you and to our community?
  • What would the impact be on children and families if there wasn’t a Five Counties?

Please return your responses or the completed Gimme 5 package to:  Some of these stories may be shared publicly by Five Counties in its 50th anniversary festivities. We will get your approval before using.

If you have any mementos/artifacts relating to Five Counties that you would like to share, please reach out to our Communications Coordinator Bill Eekhof at 1-888-779-9916, ext. 200, or at

Thanks for joining in the 50th festivities. Check back for more details on the planned celebrations!