What We Do
What We Do

Five Counties Children’s Centre helps children with physical, communication and developmental needs.  We work with children and adolescents, along with their families and the community, to strengthen their abilities and promote their participation as active members of the community.

Click on the links below to view our policies regarding:

Partnering for Success

At the Centre we have a team approach; the family is the key member of this team. This family-centred approach provides quality service in a supportive environment. For more information, please review our Family Centred Care Principles.

We Believe:

  • in a family-centred approach that provides quality service in a supportive environment
  • that families are equal partners in the planning and carrying out of services.
  • that partnerships are based upon respect and open communication
  • that service should be responsive to the needs of all family members
  • that parents should have access to information regarding their child’s needs and treatment options

Click here to see our Scope of Services Overview Chart

Consumer Satisfaction

As a part of Five Counties Children’s Centre’s commitment to providing quality care to clients and their families, the Centre sends an annual survey to clients and their parents asking for feedback on service and information provided to them. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this survey, please contact Elizabeth Martinell at 748-2337 ext. 320 or 1-888-779-9916 ext. 320.

Nicole in Campbellford PPE