Equipment Loan Program
The Centre maintains therapy equipment for short-term loans to parents or other agencies serving children associated with the Centre. If you are a Five Counties family, please speak to your therapist/clinician.
For general inquiries about equipment loans, please contact the Centre at 1-800-779-9916, ext. 307. (NOTE: When making a loan request, some lead time is required for scheduling and safety checks)
Who Can Use Our Equipment Loan Program
- Must be a client of Five Counties to loan equipment for individual use.
- Community partners (like schools or recreation organizations) with accessibility programs can make special requests to loan equipment for groups and non-clients for a specific use.
Equipment is loaned for the following purposes:
- for learning or trial/demonstration period prior to purchase
- temporary use post-operatively
- temporary use until arrival of own equipment
- in support of leisure pursuits/activities
- in support of a community partnership
A therapist approves the loan of equipment. Equipment can be loaned for up to 2 months. Parents must sign a loan agreement.
Available Equipment
Therapy equipment includes such items as walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, bath seats, standers and other aids for daily living. Adapted or therapeutic toys are available on a limited basis. Items can be accessed through the child’s therapist.